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Insulating Panels
Insulating Panels

Insulating Panels

In this category you will find all types of EPS insulation panels both for wall, roof and foundation

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Reference: EI20B100X50

Brand: Isolconfort

Insulating Panel EPS Eco Foam 100

Stock status: Out of stock
Out of stock

Wall Mounted Polystyrene Insulation Panel - Eco Foam 100 Insulated panel ideal for the realization of thermal insulation of external walls, with environmental certification of EPD product and compliant with the Minimum Environmental Criteria for Ecobonus 110% for thermal coat. ECO ESPANSO 100 is the first sintered polystyrene foam panel on the Italian...

Price €38.00

Reference: XI20R125X60

Brand: Isolconfort

Pannello Isolante XPS

Stock status: Out of stock
Out of stock

Pannello Isolante in Polistirene Estruso XPS Pannello coibentato ideale per la realizzazione dell’isolamento termico di pareti esterne, sottotetti, solai, intercapedini interne ed esterne e molto altro ancora.  Questi pannelli in polistirene sono conformi ai Criteri Ambientali Minimi (CAM), entrati in vigore con il Decreto Ministeriale 11/10/2017 per...

Price €40.00

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